Dividends taxation in Romania – FAQ

FAQ providing you with comprehensive information on the rules of dividend taxation in Romania. Whether you are an investor, a business owner, or simply someone curious about the tax implications of receiving dividends in Romania, our experts have gathered the latest regulations, guidelines, and practical insights to help you navigate the dividend taxation rules.

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Company tax regimes changed as of 2023, becoming simpler

In case you didn't know yet, following specific Romanian Tax Code amendments, which were published in July of 2022, company tax regimes suffered significant changes as of 1 January 2023.

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Need to get Romanian driving license? Here are the practical rules

Do you need to get Romanian driving license as foreign citizen living in Romania? Applying for driving license in Romania is a basic right that is given to any individual. Anyone of the minimum legal age can request a license for any of the categories of vehicles they want to drive.

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Granting of meal vouchers to employees – frequently asked questions

In this article we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the granting of meal vouchers by Romanian companies to their employees. The answers are provided by experienced lawyers, specialized in Romanian labor law topics.

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Higher taxes on dividends as of 2023 (Romanian tax law amended)

Following a recent amendment in the Tax Code, Romanian authorities will apply higher taxes on dividends as of January 1, 2023. Among a series of tax law amendments, taxation of dividends was also modified, which will lead to higher taxes collected from this type of income starting next year.

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Obtaining your Romanian tax record certificate online – step-by-step guide

Need to obtain a Romanian tax record certificate and you don't know how or which would be the simplest way? Or if there could be an alternative to spare you from wasting significant time and trips to the local tax office (ANAF)? Well, we are glad to let you know that you can have access to your tax record directly online, without having to spend significant time traveling to any local ANAF office.

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Taxation of capital gains changes in Romania as of 1 January 2023

The rules on taxation of capital gains will suffer changes in Romania for individual investors. A new law amending the tax treatment applicable to capital gains was officially published on May 23, 2022.

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