Specifically, for 2021, the tax reporting of the capital gains obtained from investment funds must be done no later than May 25, 2022, and this obligation must be fulfilled through the annual tax return (in Romanian “declarația unică”).
The annual tax return is the tax form used by individuals to file taxes due on their personal income earned during the previous tax year, as well as to declare in advance estimated income for the current year.
The declaration can be submitted by electronic means, respectively through the Virtual Private Space (Sațiul Privat Virtual – i.e., SPV), or through the website e-guvernare (if you have an electronic signature with a qualified digital certificate), as well as in paper format at the registry of the tax authority (ANAF), or by mail, via “acknowledgment of receipt” method.
Step 1 – Register an online account in the Virtual Private Space (SPV)
If you don’t already have an online account opened in the Virtual Private Space (Spațiul Privat Virtual), access the link https://www.anaf.ro/InregPersFizicePublic/#tabs-, and then press the button “Înregistrare cu parolă” (as shown in the image below).

You will then be redirected to a page where you will have to fill in a registration form with your personal data (please refer to image below): valid e-mail address, name, surname, identity card details, etc. You will also have to upload a copy of your passport, so please prepare a scan copy available.

On this page, you will also have to select the method of approving your online account in the SPV (at “Tipul de aprobare” section; in English: “type of approval”). If you do not have documents that have been issued to you by ANAF in the past, such as tax decisions, notifications, summonses, etc., the simplest method to avoid traveling to an ANAF local office is by online visual identification (video system) – in Romanian this is “identificare vizuală online (sistem video)”.
This means that, after completing the online registration, you will have to schedule a video session during which an ANAF inspector will verify your identity data, followed by the validation of the account in the SPV.
REMBEMBER: Please write down your chosen username and password, as you will need them to sign in to your account.
Details on opening an online tax account with ANAF (in SPV) can also be found in the article: Obtaining your Romanian tax record certificate online – step-by-step guide.
Once the registration in the SPV and the validation of your account are completed, the online submission of the annual tax return can now be done.
Step 2 – Complete the tax return with information on earnings from investment funds
To prepare your Romanian tax return (“Declarația unică”), you will need the tax form, which is issued by ANAF on an annual basis, for each reporting tax year. Please note that the annual tax return form is not a standard one that can be used for all tax years. It is updated and published at the beginning of each year. For the reporting year 2021, the annual tax return form is published by ANAF at the beginning of 2022.
The electronic form (which can be filed online) is in smart PDF format, with fields that can be filled in directly on your computer, being organized into chapters and sections. Not all sections of the tax form need to be completed, but only those that are related to the type of income you earn and its source (income earned from Romania or from abroad).
To download the annual tax return form, you have to access the link: https://static.anaf.ro/static/10/Anaf/Declaratii_R/declaratie_unica.html. Here you will need to download the form for the year for which you are submitting the return, as described in the “Denumire formular” column (in English: “Name of the form”). Please refer to image below for details.

To download the form in electronic format you’ll have to click on the “Soft A” link in the “PDF” column. This will open the form in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Before downloading the form, we recommend that you make sure you have an up-to-date Adobe software. The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader can be installed at the following link: https://get.adobe.com/en/reader/.
Once the tax return form opens, first save it locally to your computer.
On the first page of the form, you have to fill in your credentials, as in the example below:

Here are translated in Romanian the mandatory information you have to fill in:
- “Nume” -> Surname
- “Prenume” -> First name
- “Cod de identificare fiscală (CNP/NIF)” -> “Personal tax identification number” (this is your Romanian personal identification number – CNP reflected on your Romanian residency permit (for non-EU citizens) or registration certificate (for EU citizens).
- “Adresa” -> Address (in Romania).
Then, in Section B, you first have to tick the box next to subsection I.1.1: “Date privind impozitul pe veniturile realizate din Romania, impuse in sistem real/pe baza cotelor forfetare de cheltuieli” for its activation. Once you activate it, if you want to go directly to this subsection, you have to click on the “Salt la secțiune” (Go to section) link next to it (for details, see the image below).
If your net taxable income generated in the previous year (generated from investment funds lone, or aggregated with other types of personal income, such as: dividends, capital gains from stock exchange transactions, rental income, interest income, pensions, etc.) is at least equal to 12 Romanian gross minimum wages per economy established for the year in question (for 2021 the minimum gross wage per economy is set at 2,300 lei), your income will also be subject to Romanian health insurance contribution (CASS).
If this is the case, in order to declare the income for paying health insurance contribution as well, you will also need to activate subsection I.3.2: “Date privind contribuția de asigurări sociale de sănătate (CASS) datorată”, by ticking the box next to it.

Once you go to subsection I.1.1, on this page you will first need to choose the type of income you are reporting. The tax reporting of earnings from investment funds must be done under the income category specified at point 9 – i.e., “Transferul titlurilor de valoare și orice alte operațiuni cu instrumente financiare, inclusiv instrumente financiare derivate, precum și transferul aurului de investiții” (in English meaning: transfer of securities and any other transactions with financial instruments, including derivative financial instruments, as well as the transfer of investment gold.
Therefore, you will need to check the box next to this type of income, and then click the “Salt la punctul B” (go to point B) link at the bottom of the page (please refer to image below for details).

The form will go to the next page, where you will have to fill in the corresponding income amounts, that looks just like the image below.

Here, based on the annual report or portfolio sheet received from the investment fund (if you invest in a Romanian fund, the fund has the obligation to issue an annual portfolio sheet to you, whenever you sell your fund units), fill in the field number 3 “Câștig net anual” (Annual net gain), if you made a profit after the fund units redemption, or the field number 4 “Pierdere netă anuală” (Annual net loss), if you incurred a loss as a result of the redemption transaction.
Also, if in previous years you recorded losses that were declared, you can fill in the total amount in the field 5. “Pierderi fiscale/nete anuale reportate din anii precedenți” (Annual tax net losses carried forward from previous years).
IMPORTANT: According to the Romanian tax law provisions in force, the loss from a transfer of securities (including losses from investment funds redemptions) can be carried forward for a period of maximum 7 years.
Once you have completed with the required amounts, the form will automatically calculate the amount of annual tax due, on the last line – 8. “Impozit anual datorat/Impozit pe venit datorat” (Annual tax due/Income tax due).
Next, if you have also activated the subsection for the health insurance contribution declaration, you will have to fill in this section as well with the realized income that is subject to Romanian health insurance. If your only personal income earned is the gain from the redemption of investment fund units, then in the lines related to other types of income you will have to fill in with zero, as in the example below.

Once you have also completed this subsection, the form is completed and ready for validation and submission. On the final page you will have a summary of your payment obligations, both for tax and for health insurance contribution (if applicable).
The next step is to validate the form by pressing the green button on the first page – “Validează formularul” (Validate the form). If the declaration is completed correctly, this action will generate a window with a validation message, such as: “Formularul este valid și poate fi depus. A fost atașat fișierul d212.xml.” (The form is valid and can be submitted. The d212.xml file has been attached).
As soon as the form is validated, save it to your computer with the termination “validated” at the end of its name, so you can distinguish it from other similar files.
Step 3 – Online submission of the tax return via SPV
To submit the tax return through the Virtual Private Space (SPV), you will need to follow these steps:
- Open the ANAF website (www.anaf.ro), and at the top right of the first page click on the “Depunere declarație unică și alte formulare SPV_PF” button. Please refer to image below for more details.

On the next page, register with your SPV account username and password and press the “Autentificare” (Login) button. In the next few seconds you will receive a security code to the email address with which you registered your SPV account. You will need to enter this code in the next window and press the Login button again.
You will immediately be redirected to the tax return submission page, which looks like the image below.

On this page you will need to follow the two steps, in the order numbered on the image above. First click the “Alege fișierul” (Choose file) button to upload the tax return form. After uploading the form, press the “Transmitere formular” (Submit form) button. Upon successful submission, you will receive an confirmation message with the file upload registration number (“indexul de încărcare a fișierului”). You will also receive an automatic e-mail informing you if the submitted form is valid or has any errors.
To download the receipt confirming the submission of the tax return, access the link: https://www.anaf.ro/StareD112/. Here you will need to enter the upload registration number that was generated after your submission and your CNP, and press the “Verifică” (Check) button. The receipt will be generated, which you can download and save to your computer.
Check receipt – if the tax return form is correct and has been successfully submitted, the message “Nu există erori de validare” (No validation errors) will be displayed on the receipt.
Once this step is finalized, you have successfully completed the Romanian tax reporting of your earnings from investment funds.
Similar resources:
- Taxation of capital gains changes in Romania as of 1 January 2023
- Obtaining your Romanian tax record certificate online – step-by-step guide
- What does a tax consultant do, and how to find a good one?
All resources from category: Taxes